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Reflect Library

Expose and query type names, members, and methods. More...

Often times it is helpful to have access to the string name of a class type, particularlly when you are putting print statements in templated code. This information is made available through a very simple templated method.

    reflect::get_typename<uint32_t>(); // return "uint32_t"
    reflect::get_typename<std::vector<uint32_t> >(); // return "std::vector<uint32_t>"

These names will be the same on all compilers so long as you utilize one of the following macro:

    MACE_REFLECT( your_namespace::your_class )
    MACE_REFLECT_TYPEINFO_ALIAS( your_namespace::your_class, "AkaMyClass" )

Member Visitors (to JSON example)

To reflect the members of a struct you want to use one of the following macros which automatically include MACE_REFLECT_TYPEINFO for the class name.

MACE_REFLECT( Class, MemberSequence)
MACE_REFLECT_DERIVED( Class, BaseSequence, MemberSequence)

  struct A {  std::string hello; };
  struct B : A { 
    std::string world;  
    int other;

  MACE_REFLECT( A, (hello) )
  MACE_REFLECT_DERIVED( B, (A), (world)(other) )

You can then convert these types to json by defining a visitor:

template<typename T>
struct to_json_visitor {
    to_json_visitor( const T& v, std::ostream& _os ):val(v),os(_os),i(0){}

    template<typename MemberPtr, MemberPtr m>
    void operator()( const char* name )const {
      if( i == 0 ) os << "{";    
      to_json( val.*m, os);
      if( i != mace::reflect::reflector<T>::total_member_count-1 ) os << ",";
      if( i == mace::reflect::reflector<T>::total_member_count-1 ) os << "}";
    mutable int i;
    const T& val;
    std::ostream& os;

Then use the reflect::reflector<T> to visit the members.

template<typename T>
void to_json( const T& v, std::ostream& os ) {
    mace::reflect::reflector<T>::visit( to_json_visitor<T>( v, os ) );

When combined with the following base cases:

template<typename T>
void to_json( const std::vector<T>& v, std::ostream& os );
void to_json( const std::string& s,    std::ostream& os ) { os << '"'<<s<<'"';             }
void to_json( const int& i,            std::ostream& os ) { os << i;                       }
void to_json( const double& d,         std::ostream& os ) { os << d;                       }
void to_json( const float& f,          std::ostream& os ) { os << f;                       }
void to_json( const bool& b,           std::ostream& os ) { os << (b ?  "true" : "false"); }

Makes conversion to json of complex types trivial:

struct contact {
    contact( const std::string& f, const std::string& l, int z )

    std::string first_name;
    std::string last_name;
    int         zip;

struct address_book {
    std::string name;
    bool        is_locked;
    std::vector<contact> contacts;

MACE_REFLECT( contact, (first_name)(last_name)(zip) )
MACE_REFLECT( address_book, (name)(is_locked)(contacts) )

Convert it to JSON:

int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
    address_book ab;      = "My Address Book";
    ab.is_locked = false;
    ab.contacts.push_back( contact( "Steve", "Jobs", 90210 ) );
    ab.contacts.push_back( contact( "Bill", "Gates", 10000 ) );
    to_json( ab, std::cout );
    return 0;

The above code will generate the following output:

{"name":"My Address Book","is_locked":false,"contacts":[{"first_name":"Steve","last_name":"Jobs","zip":90210},{"first_name":"Bill","last_name":"Gates","zip":10000}]}

See the full text for this example in examples/reflect_to_json.cpp

Next Topic: mace_reflect_erasure